Safety at work: always our core business

Professionalism, Expertise and Tools for Occupational Safety and Health

Safety at Work has always been the center of GIS services

We firmly believe that the development of a new and virtuous culture of safety at work among those who daily operate in hazardous environments is the first step to take in ensuring the efficiency of an industrial plant and the protection of people working within it.

GIS operational tools for safety management in the workplace range from traditional training for workers (classroom lessons) to the less developed, yet innovative practice of encouraging reporting of near miss incidents or making safety suggestions.
Thanks to constant monitoring, it is possible to analyze the achieved results and to offer incentives to the most virtuous companies in order to reward the efforts being made to ensure and increase safety work standards.

Our safety services include:

  • Drawing up Interference Risk Assessment/Clash Analysis Reports;
  • Drawing up Risk Assessment Reports (Examples of risks include: chemicals, explosion, noise, vibration, electromagnetic risk, etc.);
  • Drawing up Safety Coordination Plans (in accordance with applicable legislation such as Titolo IV of TU 81/80 in Italy;
  • Safety Legal Advice;
  • Site Safety Management (Protection and Preventive Measures);
  • Safety Incentive Programs;
  • Safety Management on a Refinery Maintenance Turnaround;
  • Rescue with Specific Techniques;
  • Implementation of Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001, UNI 10672);
  • Safety Audits.

Safety Activities related to Industrial Risks

Some of our services include:

  • Safety Reports in accordance with applicable legislation such as D.Lgs. 105/2015 e s.m.i. in Italy;
  • Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) and industrial risk analysis with “Dynamic Fault Tree” method;
  • Frequency and Consequences Analysis (Faul Tree Analysis_FTA and Event Tree Analysis_ETA, Risk Assessment Models);
  • Analysis of “Domino Effect”;
  • Safety Reports in compliance with Regulations on Control of Major Accident Hazards such as Compatibilità Territoriale Documento RIR, 105/2015;
  • Major Accident Hazards Prevention Systems (UNI 10616/UNI 10617/VISP-6);
  • Safety Audits and Inspections Support.

Noise at Work

  • Noise Risk Assessments;
  • Providing information to workers concerning damages related to noise and all the necessary protection and prevention measures;
  • Policy development and training for workers on the appropriate use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment such as ear protectors, earplugs, etc.).

GIS can provide HSE experts, advisors as well as carry out the following taks:

  • Management of Safety Preventive and Protective Measures. Provision of Safety Experts and Managers such as RSPP, art. 31 D.Lgs. 81/08 of the Italian Law;
  • Risk Assessment  (ISO/IEC 31010:2009, DVR art. 18 D.Lgs. 81/08 of the Italian Law), including assistance with interpreting and complying with international and local legislation (ISO 31000:2009);
  • Drawing up Emergency Evacuation Plans;
  • Drawing up Chemical Exposure Risk Assessment Reports;
  • Identification, assessment and information on Chemical Exposure hazards within workplace;
  • Safety Training Programs: GIS organizes training courses (for safety managers and workers) both at the customer’s site and/or at its own offices.

Mechanical Vibrations

GIS is specialized in carrying out Mechanical Vibration Exposure Risk Assessment and in drawing up the related document according to applicable legislation, requirements and best practices.

The preparation of the Mechanical Vibration Exposure Risk Assessment may imply the following tasks:

  • Site inspection;
  • Survey (by means of a 4 Channel Class 1 Sound Level Meter) of hand arm and whole body mechanic vibrations related to machines, equipment and plants;
  • Identification of homogenous groups and/or exposed workers;
  • Mapping of the production cycle;
  • Whole Body Vibration (WBV) assessment. The estimation of daily exposure is standardized to 8 hours A (8) – vibrations for all homogenous groups;
  • Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) assessment. The estimation of daily exposure is standardized to 8 hours A (8) – vibrations for all homogenous groups;
  • Drawing up the Mechanical Vibration Exposure Risk Assessment Report with technical specifications and precautions.

Information & Training

Information and Training about hazardous levels of mechanic vibration are provided to workers according to a specific schedule, record and report system.

Management of PPE Procedure

GIS will support you in identifying the appropriate procedure and documentation in order to manage the selection, distribution, storage, maintenance and replacement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Construction Sites

With regard to construction sites, GIS can fulfil the following assignments:

  • Project Planning Coordination
  • Project Management
  • Assistance to the Site Supervision
  • Drawing up Coordination and Safety Plans
  • Drawing up Technical Specifications for the Works
  • Project Scheduling
  • Drawing up Safety Operational Plans and/or Safety Alternative Plans
  • Lay-out programming
  • Construction Site Lay-out programming


Asbestos Risks

GIS provides technical expertise for the control, management and disposal of asbestos products.

All the necessary measures to handle asbestos exposure as well as to control and raise awareness about asbestos are properly taken such as:

Risk assessment;

Preparation and implementation of asbestos policies and procedures;

Asbestos audits;

Asbestos surveying, analysis and mapping, including preparation of the necessary documents to be submitted to local authorities.

Drawing up and implementation of asbestos disposal plans.


  • Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) even by means of expeditious methodology;
  • Analysis and drafting of technical reports;
  • Support for the development of Environmental Procedures;
  • Support for the development of Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001);
  • IPCC-IED Compliance.

Fire Prevention & Fire Protection

In the field of Fire Prevention & Fire Protection, GIS can assist your company with the following expertise:

Preparation of Fire Prevention Projects & Management of Administrative Procedures
GIS can draw up projects to be submitted to Fire Departments and/or to the competent authorities. GIS will support you in developing and managing the necessary procedures to gain relevant Fire Prevention Certification and/or its renewal.

Fire Emergency Evacuation Planning
GIS carries out Fire Risk Assessment and prepares the related Evacuation Emergency Plans. GIS ensures that proper fire protection training is provided to workers in workplace. GIS assists you in defining the escape plan/map which has to be displayed at workplace according to fire prevention regulations. Such a document illustrates evacuation routes, emergency exits, fire prevention equipment, safety signs, other necessary safety items.

Emergency Response Plan Schedule
GIS prepares and monitors the implementation of emergency response plan with schedules and checklists which lay out Safety Management operations and equipment.

These schedules and checklists include:

  • Information Form for workers;
  • Report Form on evacuation simulation;
  • Audit Form for fire prevention equipment.

GIS provides workers with all necessary safety precautions and evacuation information such as fire risks and fire prevention equipment, fire evacuation strategy and escape procedures in accordance with applicable legislation.

Fire Safety Consulting
GIS provides specific advice related to fire prevention and emergency management.
Thanks to the experience gained over the years, GIS provides fire-fighting training (medium – high risk) through a theoretical and practical course approved by the Italian Ministry of Interior.

Within its training camp, GIS is able to provide continuous training on the use of the most modern fire-fighting equipment, not to mention the care given to the psychological management of emergency situations

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